Easter goodies – Delight 29

Today I decided to swing by Target on my drive home from work to pick up Easter basket goodies for my junior in high school. I don’t shop often, so when I do, I get a zing of delight—especially when the recipient is my darling girl. She doesn’t have a sweet tooth (like her mama), so the adventure was in finding little useful things that would fit in her basket but would also make her smile. As I walked through the store on this treasure hunt, it was like a stroll down memory lane. I passed all kinds of things that would have worked for my then-four or nine-year-old. I felt the passage of time, and my delight was tinged with a wave of nostalgia.

As I filled the basket, I felt so honored to be this growing girl’s mom, and to have lived through all these stages with her. SHE has been my delight, and though I miss her little girl chapters, I absolutely adore the young woman she has become. I found the following items: a picnic blanket for camps and concerts, pastel-handled fruit cutting implements, flower socks, lip mask, Reese’s peanut butter bunny (her favorite), and Haribo gummy bunnies, makeup remover wipes, and her favorite mascara (always a win!)

I was satisfied with the things I’d gathered and the money I spent and walked out to my car with a sense of a job well done—a good start to a much-needed weekend.

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