Purpose – Delight 21

This morning I wrote this quote in my journal: “Your purpose is not the thing you do. It is the thing that happens to others when you do what you do.” ­– Dr. Caroline Leaf These words quieted something noisy rattling around in my head. I know that writing is my purpose, but I have…

Friendship – Delight 20

Friends had just dropped me off after dinner together. I walked up the stairs and kicked off my shoes when my phone rang. The caller ID read Andrea. This dear woman had made my home her landing pad while she did doctoral work at a local university. Now she is building her personal and professional…

Fences – Delights 16 & 17

16. My broken fence has long been an eyesore and a source of great consternation for me. The location of the fence and its broken post has made repairing it a precarious proposition. But today, my friend Mark and his son came with tools and a plan, and they executed it beautifully. I was present…

Nature – Delights 13, 14, 15

13. As I make way through this month cataloguing the things or moments that delight me, I am also trying to define what characterizes delight. Today’s submission helps in this endeavor: many delights are fleeting. I left work and drove to ALDI on my way home. I needed a few groceries after being away for…

Ms. Fix-it – Delight 12

I’ve been home for two days, and I replay the fun I had in New York, which usually leads to me missing Hans. I drive home in daylight thanks to the time change. The weather is unseasonably warm, so I change clothes and decide to tackle the mess of my garage. I am lucky to…

Sharing Books – Delight 11

There are days when I feel like I missed an obvious career choice as a librarian. Reading has been so much more than a pastime. It serves as an escape, a circle of friends, a tool for learning and healing. Sometime ago I began posting the books I’ve finished on social media. I had no…

Routines – Delight 10

My week with Hans has come to an end. We shared a ride to LaGuardia where we parted, and the Uber took him on to JFK. I teared up throughout the morning and had to blink away tears to see the screen when I checked my luggage. I bought some food at an airport souvenir…

Tourist time – Delight 9

A few days before my trip, I had lunch with a colleague who mentioned having gone to the Tenement Museum when she and her husband were in New York a few years ago. She said they’d really enjoyed the experience. I tucked the suggestion away but had no idea where it was in relation to…